Version 2 (18/03/2020 1700hrs)
In response to a rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID -19 and advice issued by the UK Government on 16th March 2020, our practice protocols have been altered to ensure the health and welfare of persons and patients. This may seem to be excessive, and we hope it is, we would never wish it to be anything otherwise.
We send our support and best wishes to all those who are adversely effected by corona virus and especially those of our workforce whose family and friends are very much suffering in Europe.
Our priorities are:
Human health and welfare and then animal health and welfare.
For us to be able to function we have to reduce the risk of our exposure to the corona virus, work with our clients and society, and then we will be able to ensure animal welfare. Should our practice staff need to be isolated then this will have a marked effect on service provision.
To this aim, we advise:
- Animals should be presented to the surgery for examination whenever possible by only one person
- Children, over 70 years and other vulnerable persons should make arrangements for other persons to make the trip to the vets.
- Clients should stay in vehicles on arrival and telephone the practice noting their arrival. You will then be dealt with in turn.
- If you cannot stay in a vehicle then you may wait in the waiting rooms but sit as far away as possible from others and practice staff.
- We will be requesting you do not leave any item with us apart from your pet in the event of admission.
- If you have concerns regarding your health or risk of infection, inform a member of staff immediately.
- Prescriptions to be ordered online or by phone and collected by appointment, or stand as far away as possible from other persons.
- Payment by card is appreciated over cash.
- Should your pet be from an isolated home please inform the practice by telephone as it may be necessary to carry out a telephone consultation. Please have where possible means for photographs, videos with sound and a full history of events which can be sent by email or phone prior to the consultation. Clinical examinations are invaluable especially with a patient which cannot talk and not carrying out a clinical examination in person reduces safety. The practice will work with you as best as it can after consideration of all the facts and the risk to human health balanced with animal health. Be assured, animals from homes in isolation can be seen in person when certain criteria are met. Review of a case is important and in such circumstances where the level of safety is reduced review may be requested sooner than ordinarily expected. Please contact the practice in any event which you feel needs our further attention.
- Isolation facilities with barrier nursing are available at our Ormskirk practice.
- It is unknown as to how long the current situation will be in place, or how it will develop but be assured it is in constant review and we are open to suggestions from our service users and staff.
- Ventilate consult rooms by opening windows where possible between surgeries.
- C5 consults are to be carried out via telephone and emailing or sending photographs of wound – by APK only.
- Consent forms to be emailed prior to admits (the evening before) and clients to return signed forms back to be uploaded onto the clinical records.
- Collection of repeat prescriptions need to be made by appointment and payment made before collection, these can be taken out to vehicles or if clients are self-isolating delivery can be arranged.
- Repeat medication checks are to be carried out by telephone consultation by Gian. Please put these in his SPAK ensuring you allocate a time slot in the diary for them to be carried out.
- All other telephone consults are to be carried out by APK only.
- Gloves are to be worn when handling cash.
- Cash should be placed into biohazard bags and not the material bags we currently use.
- Notice boards in reception areas that are not covered by plastic should be cleared (including all thank you card etc)
- Charity boxes and all leaflet holders & candles should be removed from reception counters.
- Car carriers are not to be admitted with patients, please ensure owners take them home with them.
I wish to thank all clients and staff for their forbearance and support during these difficult times and the lessons which have been learnt from Italy and Spain, and placed as action points above. This is the sort of thing which Barn Lodge is about, may we have hope for the future.
APK, Practice Principal